Over the past two decades Sylvia and Jonathan have scored numerous TV-series, drama-shorts and documentaries. In December 2019, Sylvia and Jonathan signed a non-exclusive deal with Viacom/CBS and they continue to work with production companies worldwide both on drama and factual.
Cannes International Film Festival 2022
Sylvia and Jonathan have had several career highs, including performing live to 180 million viewers as both writers and performers of national winning Eurovision songs, but perhaps their debut screening at Cannes international film festival this year takes the top prize.
The Worlds First Community Dolby Atmos Recording
Alongside multiple scoring commitments, 2022 also sees Sylvia and Jonathan embark on a long-time ambition – to work with musicians and community members from the World-famous Rhondda Valley, to compose and produce a ground-breaking album – the Worlds First Community Dolby Atmos Recording.